Tuesday, June 14, 2011


The war against terrorists has no real enemy as the nation state. The war against terrorism as his abstract with the war on poverty or ignorance. Perpetrators of terror is a concrete individual, but the mind, ideology, space, much less time, is abstract and uncertain. The war against terrorists was not to be limited in space and time as a war against another country. The act of terror can happen anywhere and knows no pause. Dead cells can then come back to life. Terrorism can then re-organize resistance remission. The war against terrorism is actually an effort to create and maintain a certain social order (peace) so that it necessarily involves accentuating the power and strength constantly. The fight against terrorism does not know the word "Stop". The fight against terrorism must be won again and again. Who are the terrorists that actually? At the beginning of the 20th century, terrorism refers to the anarchy bombardment conducted in Russia, France and Spain. The act of terror is a defiant statement against the establishment. While at the beginning of the 21st century, terrorism became a political concept that refers to three main phenomena. First Terrorism as a defiance against the legitimate government. Second, the accentuation of political violence by the state against its citizens (Eviction, for example). All three use of force that violates the rules of engagement, such as attacks on civilians. Despite difficulties arising from the three definitions, the real terrorism is a political strategy. We often define terrorists as outlaws or criminals. Though the two concepts differ 180 degrees. Criminals do not have any political purpose, while the terrorists had a clear political objectives, such as changing the basic state. The political aim is the absolute ideal of a crippling sense of guilt and pumping militancy. Hoping repentant terrorists in a correctional institution (prison) is conventionally a dangerous naivete. Perpetrators of terror equal status with the foreign forces that threaten the sovereignty of a country. Foreign troops entering the territory or sovereignty of a state of physical, while the terrorists threaten the territory or sovereignty of non-physical state or form the basis of state ideology. The threat of terror against the state is more enough to put them in the category of "combatants". New understanding of terrorism demands a measured policy of a country's institutions. Human rights issues can be discussed and negotiated, because the permanent emergency such as this, the applicability of human rights are not universal as in normal times. The budget allocation also must support in order to sustain the Army and Police in carrying out that role, Without it all, the war against terrorism will only be a mere counter-terrorism instruction.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Gritted the Neck Can Trigger a Stroke

Many people are fond of and satisfied after a successful ring the neck or the so-called gnashing his neck. Typical movement may become a habit that is hard to remove by some people. Habits can be trusted to reduce soreness, if too often can increase the risk of stroke as those on express fitness expert from New York, Hendri S Lodge, MD, when the habit of sounding the neck is more dangerous than other parts because it can increase the risk of stroke. Gnashing neck that produces a sound like a broken bone is actually due to the release of gas in the synovial membrane that surrounds joints. The gas is out of the membrane as a result of strong pressure at the neck or waist at play with gnashing movement. Release of these gases is dangerous, and even can help relieve stiffness and soreness soreness in the joints. This soreness can be reduced for the moment and will be back aches when the synovial membrane begins to fill back by air. Act of moving the neck so as to produce a sound like a broken bone is never recommended by experts. If you do not want to feel stiff stiff, the most appropriate choice is more often bergeak or physical activity in the form of gymnastics and even if forced to do so because it may already be a difficult habit is lost, then the motion should not be made too strong and mengentak. Repeat naturally, not be forced too rotate or bend so as to give extra weight because it can lead to arthritis or arthritis.

Cigarette Ad Strength

Doubled the strength of cigarette advertising because most advertising these products have a good visual that is very interesting to watch. The messages they convey emphasis on aspects of taste, making it easier to touch and move audiences. Ads cigarette smokers as a figure showing a cool, confident, loyal friend, creative, and courageous. Everything fit with the desired self-image of the Young man.Young man who are struggling to find and realize their identity, indirectly, "helped" discover their identity through the smoking behavior. Seeing cigarette advertisements, teens are convinced that self-image they want can be facilitated through the smoke. After that, just waiting for nicotine to work, create addiction and dependence. What can we do to prevent teenagers plunged due to invasion of cigarette ads? Basically there are two things we can do in relation to cigarette advertising. First, a total ban cigarette advertising and sponsorship. And second, to make anti-smoking ads as an insight into the game. The first step, namely the prohibition of tobacco advertising, in line with the theme of World No Tobacco Day this year. This 2011 celebration was emphasizing the importance of Indonesia ratified the "WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control", which is expected would be a point of critical success of tobacco control in Indonesia. The problem, until recently efforts to create a counter discourse in the form of advertising is still way anti Smoke in place. There is, indeed, some ads for tobacco control, but almost all are not effective. Most are "attacking" smokers. Efforts to launch an offensive attack constantly with a variety of data and this fact is not effective, because it tends to target the aspect ratio of adolescents. Exposure information is still touching the brain, has not come to the aspect of "taste", especially the formation of self-imageYoung man.Advertisin anti-smoking should be able to touch the aspect of "taste" the teenager with convincing them that the youth can stay cool, slang, brave, and loyal friends without having to smoke . For example, the ad kind of athlete soccer Kim Kurniawan, advertised are mengegolkan ball, then exclaimed, "My life is fun without cigarettes." Or the author Dewi Lestari's novel depicted the middle of reading the poem, and then said, "Can creative, do not need a cigarette." Without advertising intelligent control tobacco and its message hit, impossible to beat the rush of temptation cigarette advertisements in our media. If the change communication strategy is not immediately done, it's hard to imagine teens we leave tobacco as part of the imagery itself.

Therapy of a Psychologist Naked Beautiful

Kinds and ways used by someone to find out whether it comes from men aand women, that are used by a women named Sarah White, a psychologist beautuful 24 years old from New York United Stated that extrac information from male patients with naked. By releasing one after the clothes she wore during counseling sesseion, she says with action that cab dilute the closure of the attitudes of patients and they can understand themselves and their environment betters so that they can give gain power and pleasure that arises from them and that power is expected not only emerge during therapy session but afterwards. Therapy given Sarah White is certanly appealing to his clients that most men, if only just want to see the shape of her body without a shirt or any other purpose than just enjoyment only. For a man who see a women naked in front of the eyes would make him the desire to have a women's body. What Sarah White never though towards it, What if there sexual harassment, she experienced when she was dealing with one client. So many professional psychologist but have never committed such acts. Is not the action which she gave to his client was an act of pornography. Of course therapy techniques applied by Diana White at about Kirscher a alinical psychologist in New York said onlu use the words of therapy but the therapy she provided service is pornography.

Picture Sarah White


Greenhouse Impact For The Life

The greenhouse effect is a condition in which the temperature of an object surface of the sky, such as planets and stars rise dramatically. The increase in temperature is caused by the changing conditions of atmospheric composition and the circumstances surrounding that. Actually the objects, the use of the term greenhouse effect was adopted by farmers in countries in Europe and America, because the mechanism of this warming as they did in the greenhouse which is used in plantations in the country. Usually farmers use greenhouses in winter. Plants that are planted in the greenhouse will remain live and not die by the influence of the winter freeze. Because glass will block the incoming temperature and reflect back out. This led to frequent misunderstandings, that the greenhouse effect caused by the many glass-walled house. What happens on earth is, when the sun light on the earth's atmosphere and surface, about 70% of that energy remained on earth, the absorption by the soil, plants. Ocean and other objects. Thirty percent of the rest of reflection right back through the clouds, rain and other reflective surfaces. But 70% of heat is not always being on earth. Objects around the planet that absorbs sunlight very often re-radiates heat absorbed. Most of the heat goes into space, stay there and will be reflected back to baeah surface of the earth, when the substances in the atmosphere, like carbon dioxide, methane gas and water vapor. The heat is what makes the earth's surface to stay warm rather than in space, because more energy is absorbed than reflected back. So if the earth has no greenhouse gases, the temperature on Earth is too cold for living beings in it. For instance, the planet Mars has no greenhouse gases, so temperatures there are around 30 º C. If the same temperature on the earth, of course, no living creatures that can live on earth. Increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases resulting from human activities that trigger pancara gas into the atmosphere. With the emission of these gases, the concentration in the layers of the earth's atmosphere will be higher, resulting in sunlight reflected by Earth's surface would be difficult to pass and become trapped in the earth's surface. Influence, each greenhouse gas to the greenhouse effect depends to size greenhouse gas levels in the atmosphere, the length in the atmosphere and energy absorption capabilities. Increased levels of greenhouse gases will increase the greenhouse effect that may contribute to global warming. No we know so many trigger of the greenhouse effect. So let's keep this earth, for the sake of our children and grandchildren someday.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Jon Bon Jovi

Jon Bon Jovi is the lead singer of the band Bon Jovi, a name taken from his last name. Bon Jovi, whose real name is John Francis Bongiovi, Jr., March 2, 1962, Bon Jovi in his youth spent a lot of music as well as club gigs from clubs of the era. At the age of 17 years when she worked as a floor cleaner in one of his studio albums belong cousin Tony Bongiovi. when Meco was there recording Chrismast in the Star: The Star Wars Chrismast Album, Bongiovi recommended Bon Jovi for the song R2-D2 We Wish You A Mery Chrismast, this became his first professional recording. In 1990 Bon Jovi released a Solo album, Blaze of Glory - Young Guns II a movie soundtrack from Young Guns II. This Album achieved incredible succes and earn double platinum. The song is titled Blaze of Glory became hits on the Billboard 100 and earned Jon an Academy Awards nomination for best song, but he did not win award (Steadfast Your heart Jon). That same year, however, "Blaze Glory" was awarded a Golden Globe. In 1997 Jon released a Second solo album  that tittle Destination Anywhere. The album received very pisitve reviews ans was a success across Europe.

 Track Listing

Queen of New Orleans
Janie, Don’t  Take Your Love to Town
Midnight in Chelsea
Staring at Your Window with a Suitcase in My Hand
Every Words Was a Pieces of My Heart
It’s Just Me
Destination Anywhere
Learning How to Fall
Little City
August, 7, 4:15
Cold Hard Heart

Blaze Of Glory (1990)
 Track Listing

Billy Get Your Guns
Blaze of Glory
Blood Money
Santa Fe
Justice in the Barrel
Never Say Die
You Really Got Me Now
Bang Drum
Dyin Ain’t Much of a Livin
Guano City

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Free Your Child from Smoking

Prohibition of smoking in children to put the child as an object / actor / suspect / offender legislation, the consequences of prosecution and penalties for such behavior. In fact, when children or adolescents will be smoker, they are not free choice. Conditioning the growth environment of children and adolescent that smoking behavior as commonplace and not against the law. In every place and time, children and adolescent view the patterns of the smokers. "Socialization" smoking can come from anywhere, from parents, teachers, leaders, big brother, idol, untill a model. Starting place of residence, neghborhood, school, untill the station there is always smoke. Society is often regarded smoking as an activity that shows the enjoyment, "masculinity", and strenght. Children and teenagers who are at the stage of the sense of identity, the stage of lookign for identity, including imitation, is very conducive to follow the same trail. Not to mention children's access to cigarettes is very easy. Cigarette price are very affordable with pocket money of the picther. With the money worth USD 1,000 they can buy cigarettes 2-3 stem. Cigarettes seller was there everywhere, in the same place with children to buy sweets or snacks, such as food stalls around the home and school. Not only that, when tha children were at home, even in the room though, they also offered a cigarette through advertising on television, radion, newspaper and magazine. When out of the house too, cigarette ads continue to follow along the way, various billboard, banners and posters to lure cigarette and presents the information that smoking will make the an adult, male, great, enjoy and loyal friend. Prohibit and make children and youth smokers as a prisoner and given a sentence is not appropriate and fair choise, because they actually are victim or are sacrified by their growth environment. Even the possibility to ban smoking in children will become "an alibi" by the tobaco industry that, "We (the tobacco Industry) are not selling our product (cigarette) to children, because it's against that rule. "So who is to protect them (The Children)?

Our Contitution gives this sacred mandate to parents, communities and countries to carry out protection for the children to grow flowers and laters received the baton of Indonesia