Tuesday, June 14, 2011


The war against terrorists has no real enemy as the nation state. The war against terrorism as his abstract with the war on poverty or ignorance. Perpetrators of terror is a concrete individual, but the mind, ideology, space, much less time, is abstract and uncertain. The war against terrorists was not to be limited in space and time as a war against another country. The act of terror can happen anywhere and knows no pause. Dead cells can then come back to life. Terrorism can then re-organize resistance remission. The war against terrorism is actually an effort to create and maintain a certain social order (peace) so that it necessarily involves accentuating the power and strength constantly. The fight against terrorism does not know the word "Stop". The fight against terrorism must be won again and again. Who are the terrorists that actually? At the beginning of the 20th century, terrorism refers to the anarchy bombardment conducted in Russia, France and Spain. The act of terror is a defiant statement against the establishment. While at the beginning of the 21st century, terrorism became a political concept that refers to three main phenomena. First Terrorism as a defiance against the legitimate government. Second, the accentuation of political violence by the state against its citizens (Eviction, for example). All three use of force that violates the rules of engagement, such as attacks on civilians. Despite difficulties arising from the three definitions, the real terrorism is a political strategy. We often define terrorists as outlaws or criminals. Though the two concepts differ 180 degrees. Criminals do not have any political purpose, while the terrorists had a clear political objectives, such as changing the basic state. The political aim is the absolute ideal of a crippling sense of guilt and pumping militancy. Hoping repentant terrorists in a correctional institution (prison) is conventionally a dangerous naivete. Perpetrators of terror equal status with the foreign forces that threaten the sovereignty of a country. Foreign troops entering the territory or sovereignty of a state of physical, while the terrorists threaten the territory or sovereignty of non-physical state or form the basis of state ideology. The threat of terror against the state is more enough to put them in the category of "combatants". New understanding of terrorism demands a measured policy of a country's institutions. Human rights issues can be discussed and negotiated, because the permanent emergency such as this, the applicability of human rights are not universal as in normal times. The budget allocation also must support in order to sustain the Army and Police in carrying out that role, Without it all, the war against terrorism will only be a mere counter-terrorism instruction.

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