Tuesday, June 7, 2011

6 Dreason Why Drinking Green Tea

Now you have more reason to 'drinking tea' before leaving for work or fit a family gathering in the afternoon. Of the various types, green tea is recommended for consumption because many benefits berlipat.Tak just as powerful antioxidants, fight heart disease or prevent inflammation, but green tea has a 'has lot of' other benefits that you should not ignore. Anything? Let's check!
1. Reducing cancer risk

The content of polyphenols, powerful antioxidants in green tea , appear to prevent cancer cells growing in the body. Various studies show that people who regularly drink green tea reduced the risk of breast cancer, stomach cancer, esophagus cancer, cancer of the colon (large intestine) and prostate cancer.

2. Soothing skin

Problems with your skin, either swelling or itching? Try to soak green tea , apply on the skin of the problem. Green tea is a natural antiseptic that relieve inflammation and itching of the skin. You can also try green tea to restore acne, skin burns and even a swollen eyelid either been crying or lack of sleep. Dipping green tea in the water, grab a bag and stick in the desired area. In the test lab, green tea can protect the skin from dangerous UV rays that trigger the appearance of skin cancer, whether by means drink it or rub it directly on the skin in the form of moisturizers or lotions that contain properties of green tea .

3. Stabilize blood pressure

Having a stable blood pressure, below 120/80, is important. But keep it in the range it bother easy especially for those who are fond of high fat foods. But people who eat half a cup of green tea every day is 'save' shy away from high blood pressure by 50% than those who do not usually drink green tea . Once again the content of polyphenols (now known as ECGC), which makes blood pressure is stable. Polyphenol compounds help maintain blood vessels from contracting a potentially raise blood pressure.

4. Protect your memory

Green tea also keep the brain remain 'sharp' from the danger of dementia. Adults who drink green tea at least two cups a day appear to have no serious cognitive problems than those who drank tea less than that amount. Why? Once again because of high doses of antioxidants contained in tea to combat free radicals are potentially damaging to the brain like those seen in patients with Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.

5. Ageless

The younger and healthier your arteries, then you are also more visible impact healthier and younger. So fight plaque that accumulate in the blood vessels that would increase the risk of heart disease and stroke. Add biological age and energy by consuming green tea . How many doses should be consumed? About 10 ounces of green tea per day which will hinder the body absorb fat and cholesterol that clog arteries.

6. Lose weight

Oh yes, this is for sure you'd like. With regular consumption of green tea means that you speed up the process of burning calories in the body. ShapeWorks Herbal Concentrate Tea thermogenesis effect on our body, resulting in burning of calories / fat while you rest. This is often referred to as Aerobic in the Bottle.

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