Monday, June 13, 2011

Cigarette Ad Strength

Doubled the strength of cigarette advertising because most advertising these products have a good visual that is very interesting to watch. The messages they convey emphasis on aspects of taste, making it easier to touch and move audiences. Ads cigarette smokers as a figure showing a cool, confident, loyal friend, creative, and courageous. Everything fit with the desired self-image of the Young man.Young man who are struggling to find and realize their identity, indirectly, "helped" discover their identity through the smoking behavior. Seeing cigarette advertisements, teens are convinced that self-image they want can be facilitated through the smoke. After that, just waiting for nicotine to work, create addiction and dependence. What can we do to prevent teenagers plunged due to invasion of cigarette ads? Basically there are two things we can do in relation to cigarette advertising. First, a total ban cigarette advertising and sponsorship. And second, to make anti-smoking ads as an insight into the game. The first step, namely the prohibition of tobacco advertising, in line with the theme of World No Tobacco Day this year. This 2011 celebration was emphasizing the importance of Indonesia ratified the "WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control", which is expected would be a point of critical success of tobacco control in Indonesia. The problem, until recently efforts to create a counter discourse in the form of advertising is still way anti Smoke in place. There is, indeed, some ads for tobacco control, but almost all are not effective. Most are "attacking" smokers. Efforts to launch an offensive attack constantly with a variety of data and this fact is not effective, because it tends to target the aspect ratio of adolescents. Exposure information is still touching the brain, has not come to the aspect of "taste", especially the formation of self-imageYoung man.Advertisin anti-smoking should be able to touch the aspect of "taste" the teenager with convincing them that the youth can stay cool, slang, brave, and loyal friends without having to smoke . For example, the ad kind of athlete soccer Kim Kurniawan, advertised are mengegolkan ball, then exclaimed, "My life is fun without cigarettes." Or the author Dewi Lestari's novel depicted the middle of reading the poem, and then said, "Can creative, do not need a cigarette." Without advertising intelligent control tobacco and its message hit, impossible to beat the rush of temptation cigarette advertisements in our media. If the change communication strategy is not immediately done, it's hard to imagine teens we leave tobacco as part of the imagery itself.

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