Sunday, June 5, 2011

What is a disease Scabies

Disease Scabies is an infectious disease caused by mites (Mite) called Sarcoptes scabiei. Sarcoptes scabiei oval, convex backs, flat stomach, have 4 pairs of legs. A female measuring 330-450 x 250-350 microns, while a male measuring 200 - 240x150 - 200 micronsSymptoms of sickness or the incubation period is 2-6 weeks. Symptoms of disease caused by Sarcoptes scabiei in the form of itching is unbearable especially at night, this situation caused the activity of mites was higher in the more humid temperatures, itching can be spread to other body parts that are not attacked by mites, against human groups who live with sufferers (Dormitory, dense settlement and location of refugees). Scabies disease can be transmitted by direct contact with patients (skin to skin), shake hands, sleeping together dang sexual relationship, while indirect contact (through body) such as towels, clothing, pillows and more.This disease can affect anyone, be it babies and adults, itching caused by the disease is very painful and if we'll scratch can cause injury and result in infectionThis disease is closely associated with personal and environmental hygiene is not good. Therefore to prevent this disease regularly wash with soap, wash clothes, bed sheets, pillowcases and blankets on a regular basis, dry mattress and pillows at least i times / 2 weeks, no exchange of clothing and towels with other people, the house should always be clean , dry and ventilated enough.Scabies is easily treated by maintaining a clean environment, clean living and healthy act and immediately went to the doctor or to the health center (Puskesmas) is nearby, as well as the medicine is very easily obtained in pharmacies such as Benzyl Benzoate

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