Thursday, June 9, 2011

The danger of HIV / AIDS

AIDS (Aquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) is a disease that is how it works to destroy the human immune System immun paralyzed body, a person with AIDS usually will die of an illness (secondary disease) which usually can be cured by the body if the immune system is still good system. AIDS caused by a virus called HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) enters the human body.AIDS is one of the dreaded disease for now. The HIV virus that causes this disease, damage the immune system so that people who suffer from this disease the ability to defend itself from disease attack is reduced. AIDS positive person, not necessarily have AIDS. Many cases where a person is HIV-positive, but did not become ill in the long term. However, HIV is on the person's body will continue to damage the immune. As a result, viruses, fungi and bacteria are usually harmless to extremely dangerous because of damage to the immune system. The first AIDS case was found in the United States in 1981, but these cases provide little information about the source of this disease. Now there is clear evidence that AIDS is caused by a virus known as HIV. HIV is part of a group of virus called a lentivirus discovered in non-human primates. Collectively, Lentivorus known as a monkey virus called Simian Immunodeficiency Virus (SIV). HIV is a descendant of SIV. Specific SIV types similar to the two types of HIV, namely HIV-1 and HIV-2, who attacked one white blood cells from the lymphocyte cells.

.Transmission of HIV or AIDS
AIDS is an infectious disease. But not as easily transmitted as influenza virus or other viruses virus. The HIV virus can live in all human body fluids, but which have the ability to transmit HIV to others who are just in: blood, vaginal fluid and sperm. Transmission of HIV or AIDS is known is through:
- Transfusion of blood from HIV - Have sex with HIV patient
- A small (25-30%) pregnant women with HIV to her fetus
- Hypodermic syringe or needle / tool tattoos / piercings that are shared by people with HIV   or AIDS; and
- The milk of mothers with AIDS to children her wet nurse.

Measures to prevent AIDS HIV
How to prevent the entry of a disease generally familiarize them with healthy living, ie eating healthy food, exercise, and healthy relationships. Several measures to avoid AIDS or HIV, among others:
- Avoid sexual relations outside marriage, and try only with one partner.
- Use a condom always, especially for high risk behavior groups.
- A mother whose blood has been tested and found HIV positive should not be pregnant, because it can transfer to the fetus, if it wishes to become pregnant should consult a doctor.
- People who belong to groups of high-risk behavior should not be a blood donor.
- Use of puncture needles and other tools such as acupuncture, tattoo needles, piercing needles disposable and would only be guaranteed sterillitasnya.
- Stay away from drugs, which proved that the spread of HIV or AIDS among drug users are 3-5 times faster compared with other risk behaviors

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