Sunday, June 5, 2011

Acid Rain

Acid rain is rain with pH of water is less than 5.7. Hujam acid occurs because of increased levels of Nitric and Sulfuric Acid in air pollution. This happens usually because of increased emissions of sulfur oxides (SO2) and Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) in the atmosphere. Acid rain is usually difficult to distinguish from ordinary water because of rain and it feels almost the same color. But the skin can feel as if hit by acid rain will make the skin feel itchy, reddened, and if people with low body immunity will make the person feel dizzy, nausea and even vomiting. The danger posed to humans can be very dangerous and can cause damage to humans, such as nitrate particles that can interact with the gases in the atmosphere are carried by wind to a great distance and can be inhaled by humans which cause damage to the lungs, heart disorders such as asthma and bronchitis. For ecological effects of acid rain can be seen on trees, lakes, rivers, forests and animals. Even in buildings can cause effects of corrosion due to acid rain can damage the components of power plants, factories and motor vehicles. Acid rain can also kill some fish species are vulnerable to changes in pH of the water and reducing biodiversity, in addition, for low pH can also increase the level of aluminum in the water which can create stress and poisoning fish.

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